individual_con2 Conor is a graduate student at the Lord’s blessed university
(Brigham Young University) studying nineteenth-century British literature. He grew up in Idaho Falls, ID after spending a few early years in Boston and has Mormonism deep in his veins. Conor served a mission in Lithuania (speaking, yes, Lithuanian) and still wears his Lithuanian, pointy shoes. He watches an obscene amount of movies, reads a fair bit, and consumes decent amounts of other entertainment (you could say he’s a pop culture aficionado). He also loves his beard, however fleeting the time he’s allowed to have it is. dustin_henderson_001
As the Dustin of this Stranger Squad, he frequently sits in the background, observing the shenanigans of others before weighing in with his knowledge that allows for a far easier accomplishment of the task at hand than was previously discussed.

Conor tweets sporadically (but religiously during LDS General Conference), blogs faithfully, and is a contributing author for an upcoming book about Mormonism and movies.